World Tuna Day 2019: Podcast: Lake Timbuktu – World’s largest underwater waterpark!

Pre-bow by the Coastal University of South Africa’s (CUNS) International Waterborne Diseases Epidemiology Laboratory, (above left) and (right) following a warm-up by hydrometeorologists from the CUNS at CUNS’ Climate and Water Department (Video Credit: Otcakwa khoda mweni / Photo credit: CBJ Williams)

Pre-bow by the Coastal University of South Africa’s (CUNS) International Waterborne Diseases Epidemiology Laboratory, (above left) and (right) following a warm-up by hydrometeorologists from the CUNS at CUNS’ Climate and Water Department (Video Credit: Otcakwa khoda mweni / Photo credit: CBJ Williams)

JOHANNESBURG (CNN) – The whale shark eating its way through the Corn Valley in Western Cape is no fluke; the Gulf of Mandela is extremely hot.

With the increase in temperature, the Marine Aquarium says they are having an encounter with a fault now

This was the last beach to go off-limits to swimmers last Wednesday as ground temperatures surged to a heat index of 104 F at Catriona’s Point in the evening. Experts say that this sweltering heat is a reason why this whale shark is spreading so quickly

An alert from the Aquarium says that the aquarium is experiencing the ‘ice age’ of penguins

This sighting comes as more penguins are on the move. Thousands more have become residents at the Aquarium this year

An alert from the Aquarium says that the aquarium is experiencing the ‘ice age’ of penguins

Sea lions will be released at Windhoek Bay in Southern Namibia over the next two years – although they are still recovering from the effects of poaching

The Port Lincoln marine harbour in South Australia is using recycled sewage as a resource in recovering and re-using the water.

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